Are you shredding and recycling documents and data? You can secure sensitive information from creation to disposal with UV&S.
In addition to specializing in secure records storage and asset management, we offer secure destruction services. Our flexible shredding solutions will meet your destruction needs and help with due diligence. i-SIGMA, the International Secure Information Governance & Management Association, verifies vendor compliance and we are NAID AAA Certified. We maintain our NAID certification so you don’t have to research or stay up to date with evolving regulations around data disposal. We are audited annually and can go through surprise audits at any time. You can review our certification on the i-SIGMA Directory. Type in our name and the most up to date information is available for each of our locations.
It is your responsibility to complete thorough due diligence on any data processor you use. We make it easy for you because our NAID certification takes care of that requirement for you. i-SIGMA enforces standards and ethical compliance for the secure data destruction industry with the NAID Certification. You can learn more about the importance of the NAID AAA certification below and you can sign up for a compliance report on the i-SIGMA website.
UV&S Services
The Importance of NAID Certified Shredding and Recycling
The Importance of NAID Certified Shredding and Recycling

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