Miss Salt Queen Jill Ferrell appeared in the South Hutchinson Salt Fest Parade held on June 13th, 2009. Ferrell won the title of Miss Salt Queen at Underground Vaults and Storage’s recent Salt Queen Celebration held 650 below Hutchinson, KS on April 24, 2009. The celebration was held to celebrate 50 years in business for Underground Vaults and Storage, Inc. Contestants between the ages of 18-21 competed for the title of Miss Salt Queen, and contestants between the ages of 50-53 competed for the title of Ms Salt Queen.
In the photos above, Ferrell is shown in the parade joined by UV&S President Lee Spence and Kansas Underground Salt Museum Director of Operations, Gayle Ferrell. Gayle also participated in the recent Salt Queen Celebration where she won the honor of first runner-up. Gayle is also mother to Miss Salt Queen Jill Ferrell.
Both UV&S Salt Queens will ride in the upcoming July 4th parade in Hutchinson later this summer.
UV&S would like to extend a special thanks to Mr. Bob Horyna for allowing us to use his car during the parade. Horyna extended to us the use of his 1957 Ford Fairlane Convertible for the occasion. Thank you, Bob Horyna.